Apr 29, 2010

LOL Boys for Mixpak

Our comrades-in-arms, LOL Boys, recently sent over an exclusive mix of weirdo Dubstep/Emostep/Whateverstep + Tribal/Guarachero + other weird, regional dance tunes that absolutely slays. It's recommended listening fo 'sho!

Also, check out the accompanying interview they did with Mixpak in which they wax poetic about the days of Geocities/Angelfire and other nerdy stuff that inspires the LOL Boys aesthetic.

LOL Boys Exclusive Mixpak Mix (Direct Link)

1. James Blake “CMYK”
2. Ramadanman “Glut”
3. Dubbel Dutch “Fool in you”
4. Jay Weed “The Naos”
5. Bowly “Tarot Drums”
6. LOL Boys “w8ing2xhale”
7. LOL Boys “Spiral Staircases”
8. Roska “Squark”
9. Greyman “Funk The Groove”
10. LOL Boys “Unemployed”
11. Dooze Jackers “We Love Moogie (Canblaster Remix)”
12. DJ Icon Audioadiccion “Tribal Kid”
13. DJ Erick Rincon ”Magdalena”
14. DJ Mouse “Amantes De La Waracha”
15. DJ Manuel Palofox “Canto Africano”
16. Makency DJ “Chiketere”
17. Expendable Youth “Cannibalistic (LOL Boys Remix)”
18. DJs Del Futuro VIP ”Fiesta by White Band”
19. Them Jeans “Balloons (LOL Boys Remix)”
20. Rolvario “Exotic Drumz”
21. Distal “Grape Donut”
22. Uproot Andy & Geko Jones “Manuelita Remix”

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