Jan 29, 2010

You Haven't Heard?

This Ramadanman mix caught my eye today, and I thought we should get it up here for your weekend. If you've been keeping up on your dub-step, surf-step, new-step, micro-step, whatever-step, you'll probably notice at least a few names (Pangaea, Bok Bok, Joy Orbison, Untold, Roska...). TONS of unreleased/forthcoming material here. It starts out fairly relaxed but be patient it builds up reaaaaal nice. Check it out after the jump!

Ramadanman - Ruffage Wire Podcast

01. Timeblind - Space Cadet [Agriculture]
02. Rhythm & Sound - Why [Burial Mix]
03. Alix Alvarez - Boom Bip [Sole Channel]
04. DVA - Ganja [Forthcoming Hyperdub]
05. Untold & Roska - Long Range [Forthcoming Build]
06. A Made Up Sound - Sun Touch [Forthcoming A Made Up Sound]
07. Jam city - What I think about you [Unreleased]
08. Ikonika - dckhdbtch [Unreleased]
09. Ramadanman vs. Missy - Mir's a bitch [Unreleased]
10. Mos Wanted Mega - Diffrent Lekstrix [Unreleased]
11. Joy Orbison - So Derobe [Forthcoming Aus]
12. 2562 - Who are you fooling? [Tectonic]
13. Pangaea - 5-htp [Hessle Audio]
14. Ghost - Two Thousand [Ghost]
15. LV feat. Rubi Dan - Crossfire [Unreleased]
16. Bok Bok - Citizens Dub [Forthcoming Blunted Robots]
17. Ramadanman - Glut [Forthcoming Hemlock]
18. Pangaea - Neurons [Hessle Audio]
19. Icicle - Xylophobia [Unreleased]
20. Ramadanman - Bleeper [Unreleased]
21. Lil' Wayne - A millie (Harmonimix) [White]
22. Mala - Blue Notez [DMZ]
23. Ramadanman - Don't Change For Me [Unreleased]

via Sonic Router & GRINDIN


Delphic - Doubt (Ramadanman Remix) via RCRDLBL

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